
How Small Businesses Are Using Zapier & APIs to Get Stuff Done

APIs and tools like Zapier are like the glue holding small businesses together these days. Sounds techy, right? But it’s really just a fancy way of saying, “Hey, my apps can talk to each other, so I don’t have to do everything myself.”

Here’s how people are making it work:

  • A bakery’s using Zapier to send emails every time someone fills out a custom cake order on Google Forms. (Because who has time to send those manually? 🍰)
  • A coach connects Calendly to Zoom, so meeting links magically appear for their clients.
  • An online shop ties Shopify to QuickBooks, saving hours of boring accounting work.

It’s like having a personal assistant who never takes a day off. And the best part? You don’t need to be a tech wizard to set it up.

At Fortal, we’re obsessed with how small businesses are doing big things with these tools. Whether it’s automating the little stuff or building super-smooth workflows, APIs make life easier.

So what’s the coolest Zap or API setup you’ve done? Drop your ideas—I’m always looking for new hacks.

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